MTO seems to follow the adage the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
Your Ontario government dictates policy guidelines directing planners and engineers to “provide safe, comfortable travel for pedestrians and bicyclists.” Yet, to MTO engineers, this means business as usual when it designs and builds its highway on/off ramps.
August 10 is the day MTO opens its kimono to show city engineers what it believes the new QEW Fairview ramp access should look like. Meeting has been delayed until September!
We urge MTO to incorporate a sharp right turn that will keep motorists on Fairview at reasonable speeds. The existing identical QEW Niagara bound ramp at Fairview works. Its safer and accident free since its construction in 1997.
MTO has indicated that no road bike lanes will be included in the design. This breaks up a continuous bike lane from the RGB to the Fairview GO Station east of Brant St. The area under the QEW is the weakest link in the bike network.
Its doesn’t make sense to put bike lanes only in areas of least resistance. Bike lanes should be placed where they are most needed! A bike lane is needed in the overpass area.
What would a motorist do if they saw this sign on Fairview or if the car lanes disappeared?
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