Friday, September 4, 2009

Surprise, surprise, surprise

Gollllleeee! Our government loves the figure $85.00

I was SHOCKED & DUMBFOUNDED to read that riding your bike across a crosswalk is an $85 fine!
HTA 140(6)/144(29) - No riding in crosswalks
walk your bike when crossing at a crosswalk. Set fine: $85.00
HTA 75 (5) - Bell
a bike must have a bell or horn in good working order. Set fine: $85.
Hope you haven't broken any bad laws lately!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gene,
    Great newsletter. It's also encouraging to see an active blog.
    About your blog on $85 fines for riding along a crosswalk: Have you
    heard of Mississauga's pilot project for crossrides? MTO has given
    their blessing on it and we have a few implemented at four-way stops.
    I think this summer we'll look at putting a crossride in at a
    signalled intersection.
    Allan Harder
    MCAC Member
