Northshore Boulevard is going to be resurfaced with paved shoulders added where possible. From Eagle Drive to Bellhaven, the road will be widened and the road resurfaced. For the section through LaSalle Park, the road will be resurfaced but without paved shoulders or a bike lane. Cyclists are expected to veer off the road and use the path through the park.
This creates a weak link in the cycling network. Another missed opportunity to fix a problem! It wouldn't happen in Apeldoorn or Portland, Oregon or in a city that puts the highest priority on cycling safety for its citizens. The road is also a landmark tourist attraction, part of the oldest road race in North America and often used by runners. I've cycled this narrow road & felt the pressure of cars anxious to pass me many times. The trees are not the obstacle and do not need to be cut. Simply shift the roadway as the city has previously done on Northshore west of King. With a bit of effort, the city should add paved shoulders to Northshore Boulevard as it winds through LaSalle Park.
Although the posted speed limit is 40kph, many drivers speed through this open stretch of roadway.
The Burlington Cycling Committee applauds this project - its the sound of one hand clapping.
Check out the Citizen's Reference Panel's top priorities. Active Transportation is mentioned a few times and impacts many priorities. A little support could go a long way.