Think Different. Oct. in NYC. |
He inspired legions. Many say Steve Jobs changed the world.
I've never used an Apple, iPhone or Mac but I know we can learn from Steve Jobs.
He is what Malcolm Gladwell terms an "outlier," maybe the furthest along the curve. His adherence to simplicity, unrelenting determination, steadfast vision and excellence are the things we can take away to make it better.
In some ways, the current cadre of Burlington Cycling Committee members reflect a very small portion of the values Steve Jobs possessed in abundance.
Often we swim against the tide. We see things that others do not. We are vocal and demonstrative. Where others see the status quo as sufficient, we seek progress. We see improvements that were made and wonder why they weren't done better, safer, faster. Sometimes we are difficult to work with, harder to appease. We dislike backing down when we feel we are right! We'll rock the boat if its necessary, and we won't be ignored. In cycling safety, good enough is a poor substitute for a better way.
Steve Jobs wanted to "put a ding in the universe." He succeeded. The cycling committee wants to put its own "ding" into Burlington, transforming it into a better, safer bicycling community benefiting all. If one man can change the world, surely, the BCC vision will leave its mark on Burlington for future generations of cyclists.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.