Thursday, October 20, 2011

OCCUPY Burlington!

Revolution's in the air!

Burlington's ripe for its own revolution - a bicycling revolution!

Shamelessly copied from Tweed Ride Victoria.  Something to bring out the cyclists in Burlington.

Tweed Washington, DC
"Tweed Rides are a worldwide phenomena, started in London in the fall of 2009 as The Tweed Run London. The organizers thought that it would be fun to have a slower-paced “cosmopolitain ride with a bit style”. So they dressed in tweeds, rode their bikes through London streets and raised money for bicycles for African Children – Bikes 4 Africa.

Tweed Portland
What is Tweed Ride Victoria?

It is a group bicycle ride through the centre of Victoria, in which the cyclists are encouraged to dress in classic tweed or any smart looking outfit. Any effort made to recreate the spirit of a bygone era is also always appreciated. Any and all bicycles are acceptable on the Tweed Ride."

Link to videos of tweed rides.
Tweed Ride gear.
Won't take a 7 page staff report examining the cities hosting Tweed rides across North America.  No need for a council document outlining the obstacles, potential pitfalls, requirement for policing, barriers and taxpayer funding, advanced committee and stakeholder planning etc. 

Just a dozen or two, bicycling Burlingtonians, dressed with their handlebar moustaches bicycling leisurely across Burlington!  Would be a great annual event!

1 comment:

  1. What I would like you to do:
    Send the email content below (in blue) to the contacts at the Region and to your local City / Town Councillor.
    link to City of Burlington Councillor website
    Link to Town of Oakville Councillor website
    Region and Consultant contacts (please copy the line and send to all of them):,,,

    Feel free to add your own thoughts as well.
    Send this email to your mailing list of cycling friends, even if they don't live in Halton
    Especially your friends in Peel and Hamilton.
    If we get cycle tracks, this will set a precedent for those regions to also look at cycle tracks.
    Include your name and address
    If you are a member of a cycling club, please identify yourself as to which club you belong to
    Send your comments by Dec 9th
    The links should work when they are copied...


    Good day,

    At the Nov 24th PIC, we noticed that the dedicated cycle tracks from the 2009 plan are now identified as a multi-use path. We would like to see them re-designated as a cycle track. Cycling infrastructure is a benefit, not a cost.

    Dundas is a strategic link between Halton, Hamilton and Peel. Cycle tracks along Dundas are very valuable if we ever want to move towards alternative, active transportation.

    There are many cyclists already commuting year round along Dundas. A cycle track would make their journey much safer. You may know there has been at least 1 death and at least 4 car-cyclist incidents along Dundas involving cycling commuters in the last 2 years.

    The use of dedicated cycle tracks would be a an enormous benefit to the recreational and commuter cyclists in Halton. The benefits are many:

    Increased physical activity
    this keeps people healthy and fights against obesity and lack of exercise
    which in turn reduces health care costs
    which make up 25% of our provincial spending and is expected to rise if people don't become more active
    Commuter / rider safety
    people will cycle more when they feel safe, especially women and children
    Removes cars from roads
    reduces fossil fuel consumption
    reduces CO2 emissions
    reduces commute times
    reduces impact in the infrastructure - bikes have less impact on the roads than cars and trucks
    Helps the environment
    reduces CO2 emissions
    Provide an alternative to commuting without using fossil fuels
    cost savings as people don't need to buy gas as often
    environmentally sound
    A recent study ( in the Netherlands indicates that cycling infrastructure is cheaper to build than not to build.

    "The proceeds that can be attributed to bicycle highways considerably outweigh the costs. The next couple of years approximately €100 million will be invested in bicycle highways in the Netherlands. That will lead to future annual profits of at least €144 million in travel time gained, better health and environmental benefits."

    For more details on the value of cycling, please see this link. ( The report was commissioned by the UK government and written by a firm focusing on sustainable development ( It was written to support the UK's National Cycling Strategy.

    Your Name

    Your Address

    Your Club Name
