Thursday, September 13, 2012

Plains Road won't be so plain any more.

Fantastic things are planned for Plains Road in Aldershot.

Currently, Plains Road has a very narrow strip running parallel with the curb.  It's narrow and includes sewer grates and other obstacles.  It's NOT a bike lane, just an edge line.  Check out the power point slide to the right.

The recommendation is for safer, wider bike lanes from the city border with Hamilton to the QEW.

Click on the photos to enlarge them.
In addition to the 1.2m wide bike lane and 0.3m gutter, an additional 0.5 buffer zone will be added.  Moveable planters will be placed in the buffer zone during the cycling months adding a further level of protection for cyclists.

More details can be found on the city's website dealing with the Plains Road redesign.


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