Monday, April 11, 2011

Playing catch up - its virtually impossible

Whether it's sports, business or your RRSP, playing catch-up is always the hardest way to win or meet your targets.  In sports, breaking, then recovering from a losing streak is a gargantuan task.  As the Maple Leafs have shown, time and time again, meaningful recovery from a losing streak is insurmountable.

Burlington's 20 year Cycling Master Plan is already behind the eight ball and we are only 2+ years into a plan that averages ~15km of bike lanes annually.  By the end of 2011, Burlington should have ~37km of new bike lanes.  If the City of Burlington meets its 2011 target we will have 16km.

Unfortunately, according to the chart below, which adds the bike lane & path projects from the 2010 - 2019 Road Capital Budget and Forecast, it doesn't get any better by year 2012 & 2013.
Target = total new CMP bike lanes/years.
* No its not a mistake, only 1km of new bike lanes expected in 2012
Recently, the city has called for public input into it's strategic plan and asked for feedback from its citizens.  Here's my 2 cents:  get the $80,000 cycling master plan back on track.  Its good for residents and Burlington.  The sooner its done, the sooner we reap the benefits!


  1. Gene - What is the definition of "Cumulative Target" on your grid?

  2. Hi Rob.
    I added a bit more to the headings, hoping its easier to understand. The CMP calls for 286km of new bike lanes & path. Over 20 years, that averages ~15km per year. The Cumulative Target is the total of the average bike lanes projected to be added each year. Since the CMP starts in June, the first year target is 7km. Subsequent years it's 15km/year.
