Friday, September 7, 2012

The Sharrows are coming, the Sharrows are coming

Introduced in 2011, as a pilot, sharrows will become a familiar sight on Burlington roads.  285 sharrows will be added to city streets as part of the city's Cycling Master Plan.

"The sharrow's main purpose is to give bicyclists freedom to move further to the left within travel lane, rather than brave the door zone, squeezed between moving and parked cars. Without such markings, bicyclists might seek refuge on the sidewalk or travel in the wrong direction. The overall goals are: to improve the position of bicyclists and motorists on roads without bike lanes, reduce aggressive motorist behavior, encourage correct bicycling behavior and increase the comfort of (and therefore the number of) bicyclists on shared roads [Streetswiki].
Roads with sharrows constitute Class III bike routes, a “step down” from Class II routes with designated bike lanes. These city streets can be part of a bicycle network, but may have higher motorist traffic than bicycle boulevards."

A list of streets can be found in this Burlington Post article.  A variety of people have noticed more cyclists on Burlington streets this summer.  The cycling revolution found in cities around the world is continuing in Burlington!

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