What's this got to do with safe cycling in Burlington?
We have made Public Works Government Services Canada aware of the dangers of cyclists and pedestrians crossing Eastport Drive at the liftbridge. Its an accident waiting to happen - again! In 2003 a 58 year old cyclist was killed walking his bike across Eastport to use the narrow bayside crossing. –Several cyclists have been injured (including 1 broken arm), cycling over the slippery bridge grating.
MTO personnel have observed that vehicle traffic on Eastport routinely travels 15-20kph over the posted speed limits.
Does PWGSC need a lawsuit to get them to do the right thing? Its not a question of whether the lawsuit is justified or frivolous. Dofasco will probably spend over several hundred thousand dollars to defend it.
As the old FRAM commercial said, "Paid me now, or pay me a lot more later!!!"
A million wasted on legals fees or a million invested in a new lakeside multipurpose path. Its a no-brainer!
First I just want to say I do support building of the sidewalk on the lakeside of the bridge
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why people put themselves and other drivers in danger by crossing Eastport Drive. If you stay & follow the trail it loops under the bridge and you never need to cross busy Eastport Drive.
At times, its a fifty-fifty split. Half the people use the trail under Eastport, and the other half sprint across the road.